
Lia Lenart


擅长项目:留学项目规划,文书辅导 从业时间:5年


Lia Lenart

Lia Lenart, born and raised in Cambridge, MA, has graduated twice from Harvard Yard: once as a high schooler, when the university generously invited the local public school to use their facility, and once as a college graduate, after completing four years at the university. 

Ms. Lenart graduated with honors in Social Studies and a minor in English from the esteemed university. An aspiring screenwriter, in college she studied with Danny Rubin (Groundhog Day) and had her own original one act read aloud at the American Reparatory Theatre. She has worked for author Diane Levin on her most recent book Too Sexy Too Soon and—since moving to continue her career in Los Angeles—for the Executive Producer of the hit show White Collar. 

After being awarded the Carol K. Schlesinger Grant for her undergraduate thesis research, Lia worked as a grant writer for the non-profit American Education Foundation and has extensive experience as an applications consultant.



莱纳特女士在这所著名大学里以优异成绩获得社会研究学学士学位,以及英语专业副学士学位。作为一名志向高远的编剧,她在学校专门研究丹尼•鲁宾(作品《土拨鼠之日》),并且在学校里的美国通俗剧院拥有自己的原创独幕朗读。她曾为作家黛安•莱文(Diane Levin)工作过,为她的最新书籍Too Sexy Too Soon建言献策,然后她又搬到洛杉矶继续她的职业生涯,成为热门真人秀“白领”(White Collar)的执行制作人。

莉亚女士本科论文研究成果丰硕,因此获得了卡罗尔•K•施莱辛格(Carol K. Schlesinger)奖。此后,她还担任非营利性美国教育基金会的资助作者,并拥有丰富的顾问经验。


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